Sokat foglalkoztunk idáig a spanking filmvilág elfenekelt csillagaival, a spankee-kkel. Nem esett szó viszont szó a másik szerepkör, a spankerek nagyjaival, pedig ezek között is akadnak érdekes személyiségek. Itt van például Chelsea Pfeiffer, a Chelsea Pfeiffer Entertainment társtulajdonosa, forgatókönyvírója, és gyakori szereplője. A filmek szinte kizárólag F-F típusúak, vagyis egy nő neveli kemény eszközökkel rendre valamely nőtársát. Chelsea általában spanker néha pedig switch szerepkörben jelenik meg. A kiadó szinte ontja a filmeket.
Ennek illusztrálásra nézzük néhány példát!
Egyszerűség kedvéért a leírást angolul illesztem be.
Elkényeztetett csillagocska és a személyes főnök (The Spoiled Starlet and The Personal Chef)
Krissy and Chelsea then portray a spoiled starlet and her personal chef. Chelsea teaches Krissy to appreciate the finer points of haute cuisine.
A real delight for OTK spanking fans. A young girl in white underwear gets an OTK spanking from a woman older than she is. The older woman reddens the young girl's thighs, then pulls down her panties and blisters her buns, which quickly grow equally red. Later, the older woman uses the back of a hairbrush, and we are treated to an overhead view of the young girl's very very reddened buns as the older woman delivers blow after stinging blow. Next comes a paddle, and then barehanded spanking again. The young girl cries in pain and whimpers as she lies across the woman's knee on the sofa, docilely accepting her punishment.
A young brunette has her buns blistered by the punisher. The punisher turns the young brunette over her knee and proceeds to lay into the brunette's butt with her bare hand. First she spankks her through her jeans. Then she pulls the jeans down and spanks the brunette's bare ass. The brunette winces and groans a few times. The punisher talks and laughs as she spanks the young brunette, and the young brunette laughs along with her. But when the punisher switches from bare-hand blows to a paddle, the brunette's giggles turn to yelps. However the punisher pulls out a bottle of lotion and proceeds to soothe the young girl's flaming buns.
Jöjjön most egy olyan film, ahol magát Chelsea-t verik el, mégpedig az új szomszédja!
The Naughty Neighbor
As a new neighbor, Carolyn is invited over and soundly spanked for requiring too much "help" from Chelseas hubby.
Dear visitors,
Kedves Látogató!
Ez egy erotikus elfenekeléssel foglalkozó blog. Ha ezt kerested, jó helyen jársz. Ha csak véletlenül keveredtél ide, akkor szabadon dönthetsz, hogy bóklászol még itt egy kicsit, vagy pánikszerűen elmenekülsz.
Ne tétovázz, ha van valami mondanivalód! Szólj hozzá! Küldd el saját művedet! Mutasd meg magad!
Fogadd el ezt a blogot olyannak, amilyen. Egy izgalmas, intellektuális, érzéki és erotikus játék tere, ahol a valóság és a fantázia határán táncolunk.
Van kedved táncolni?
* * *
Dear visitors,
This is a blog dealing with erotic spanking. If you are interested in this topic, it is good place for you. If you are here by mistake, you can freely choose to stay here or run away in panic.
Do not hesitate if you have something to say! Feel free to send your messages! Send us your own stories! Show yourself!
Receive this blog for what it is. An exciting, intellectual, sensual and erotical playing field where we can dance in the border of reality and fantasy.
Will you enjoy this dance?
2011. április 24., vasárnap
2011. április 23., szombat
Sok baj van Ameliával - There are many troubles with Amelia
Az egy szem hozzászólónk (ritka kincs, meg kell becsülni!) dicsérte Amelia Jane Rutherfordot. Egy klippel viszonozom figyelmét, érdeklődését.
Történet (angolul)
.... blonde with an Attitude is taken across the knee of a woman older than herself, who spanks her soundly between the garters that frame her taut buns. After some further OTK spanking of the blonde, the other woman stands her up, leads her to a shelf behind which is a mirror, leans her over the shelf, and lets her watch herself in the mirror as the woman now takes a hairbrush to her bare buns and paddles her with it sharply. The blonde shrieks and screams in pain and in protest, but the other woman continues her assault on the blonde's buns.
2011. április 21., csütörtök
Iskolás lányok fenekelése Vietnamban - Canings of schoolgirls in Vietnam
Minden szakterületnek megvannak a maga kutatói. C. (Colin) Farrell a testi fenyítés különböző módozatait kutatja a világ különböző országaiban. Ha ő nem szorgoskodna ennyit, talán soha sem tudnánk meg, hogy miként is fenekelik el az iskolás lányokat a világ e távoli szegletében, Vietnámban.
Ebben a négyperces klipben tizenéves iskolás lányok tömeges büntetése látható. Az operatőr titokban dolgozott, így aztán megbocsátható, hogy technikailag igencsak gyatra minőségű a végeredmény.
A büntetés helye az épület szabadba nyíló területe, mondjuk úgy, hogy a veranda. A látványt ugyan részben kitakarja egy ajtókeretet, mindek következtében pont a lányok fenekét nem láthatjuk, de szemernyi kétség sem lehet a felől, hogy mi folyik itt. Számos diáklány lép szép sorban a büntetés helyére, emeli fel a szoknyáját, és hajol valami alacsony puffra, vagy valami hasonló bútorra. Mindegyik öt kiadós ütést kap nádpálcával egy (tanár)nőtől. A csattanás is jól hallható, persze csak akkor ha az eset környékén császkáló emberek nem kajabálnak túl sokat. Egy idő után nyit a kamera, és láthatóak a megbüntetett lányok, amint szépen sorban állnak. Amint az első sorozattal végez a tanárnő, néhányukat (vagy az összest) visszahívja a jobb oldalon gyülekező sorból.
Ha valakinek van kedve, kérem, hogy számolja meg, hogy hány lány is kapott ki ez alkalommal!
Ime a kip:
2011. április 19., kedd
26 ütés 26 fontért - 26 strokes for 26 pounds
Valaki 26 fontot ajánlott fel Pandora Blake-nek azért, hogy a pálcájával 26-ot csaphasson a a híres angol elfeneklős színésznő mezítelen popsijára. Kérdezem, hogy mi nem tudnánk összedobni egy kis zsozsót arra, hogy mi is megtehessük ezt? Lehet, hogy nem is olyan nagy ez az ár!
2011. április 15., péntek
Csintalan szobalányok 9. rész - naughty maids Pt. 9.
Akinek pedig ennyi csinos szobalány elfenekelése sem elég, az vessen magára! Punktum!
Caught Drinking on the job, Miss Sophie is required to go outside and cut some switches for her own discipline. She cleans and prepares the switches and is then severely punished by Michael. This is a long and hard bare bottom punishment that leaves her bottom and thighs covered with welts.
The Carpet Beater
Amelia Rutherford discovers that a rattan carpet beater can deliver a blistering tanning to a bare bottom – hers! An investigation of corporal punishment takes her into the realms of domestic servant discipline. What to do if a maid is stealing expensive perfume? Thrash her! Amelia finds out first hand what 12 strokes with a carpet beater feels like!
Alice & the Maid
Alice learns what happens to the maid and is curious to find out more as she watches her get thrashed with a birch and a hard strapping she could never imagine what it was like unless she was naughty too!
Broken Glass
Kami Robertson is back in a brand new movie at a brand new site and here she is a Cleaning Maid being severely strapped with a whippy leather belt for breaking a priceless glass. Kami is close to tears in this scene and you can see the velocity of the belt thrashing her bared bottom which is starting to turn red from the repeated whacks of leather on her bottom!
Maid Discipline
New Kitchen maid Sascha Harvey gets a severe and very obvious red welted bottom from her long overdue strapping from her boss, Miss Smith!
Punished Maid
The Carpet Beater
Amelia Rutherford discovers that a rattan carpet beater can deliver a blistering tanning to a bare bottom – hers! An investigation of corporal punishment takes her into the realms of domestic servant discipline. What to do if a maid is stealing expensive perfume? Thrash her! Amelia finds out first hand what 12 strokes with a carpet beater feels like!
Alice & the Maid
Alice learns what happens to the maid and is curious to find out more as she watches her get thrashed with a birch and a hard strapping she could never imagine what it was like unless she was naughty too!
Broken Glass
Kami Robertson is back in a brand new movie at a brand new site and here she is a Cleaning Maid being severely strapped with a whippy leather belt for breaking a priceless glass. Kami is close to tears in this scene and you can see the velocity of the belt thrashing her bared bottom which is starting to turn red from the repeated whacks of leather on her bottom!
Maid Discipline
New Kitchen maid Sascha Harvey gets a severe and very obvious red welted bottom from her long overdue strapping from her boss, Miss Smith!
2011. április 14., csütörtök
Csintalan szobalányok 8. rész - naughty maids Pt. 8.
Az összesítés nem áll rendelkezésre. A bejegyzés megtekintéséhez
kattints ide.
Csintalan szobalányok 7. rész - naughty maids Pt. 7.
Maid to be Naughty 7
Maid to be Naughty 8
Maid to be Naughty 9
Maids 4 spanking
Bre Licks it and Destiny are in trouble again. These naughty maids have failed to do anything. They must be strapped and canned. Very hard spanking action.
Maid to be Naughty 8
Maid to be Naughty 9
Maids 4 spanking
Bre Licks it and Destiny are in trouble again. These naughty maids have failed to do anything. They must be strapped and canned. Very hard spanking action.
Csintalan szobalányok 6. rész - naughty maids Pt. 6.
Maid to be Naughty 2
Maid to be Naughty 3
Maid to be Naughty 5
Maid to be Naughty 6
Maid to be Naughty 3
Maid to be Naughty 5
Maid to be Naughty 6
Csintalan szobalányok 5. rész - naughty maids Pt. 5.
The new maid
A good spanking for a cheeky young maid. She may have given the boss a blow job but she still gets punished....
Spanked Women 03
A compilation of previews clips added to the Spanked Women store, this week.
Maid for spanking
At Outlaw Spanking Video we think that a maid should do her job, when she doesn't she is spanked hard
Maid to be Naughty 1
A good spanking for a cheeky young maid. She may have given the boss a blow job but she still gets punished....
Spanked Women 03
A compilation of previews clips added to the Spanked Women store, this week.
Maid for spanking
At Outlaw Spanking Video we think that a maid should do her job, when she doesn't she is spanked hard
Maid to be Naughty 1
Csintalan szobalányok 4. rész - naughty maids Pt. 4.
Spanked Hotel Maid (Preview)
Richard Windsor is attending a weekend long spanking party. He has has called room service repeatedly for the last two hours for some towels. When the maid finally shows up, she is rude and disrespectful to Richard. She even goes as far as to call him and everyone else on that floor "perverts." Richard will show this bratty maid not to call spankos perverts and not to make him wait 3 hours for his towels.
Samantha, maid for spanking
Samantha has applied to be his new maid. She knew what standards he was looking for yet still she turned up for her interview unkempt and late. This will not do and he soon shows her what happens to naughty maids in his household. A two spanking maid punishment film.
Maid to be Spanked!
Laura is most disrespectful and less than dilligent in her duties as Master David's housekeeper, despite the pretty uniform and generous conditions of her employment. Perhaps its the regular smacked bottoms and occasional more severe punishments that she objects to. Or does she...?
Slovenly Maid Spanked
Rachel is lazy and wilful, entirely unsuitable to serve the needs of the demanding mistress of the house. Before returning her to the agency that sent her, Andi decides that what she really needs is her lazy bottom thoroughly warmed!
Punished in Uniform 01
There is something about a uniform that makes the female bottom so ready for chastisement; perhaps it is the clinging nature of uniforms? Whatever the reason, the temptation to bare the female buttocks and redden them is very strong. Be it school uniform, army or navy, French maids, Riding outfits or nurses, they all seem to have the same effect on the red bloodied male.
Richard Windsor is attending a weekend long spanking party. He has has called room service repeatedly for the last two hours for some towels. When the maid finally shows up, she is rude and disrespectful to Richard. She even goes as far as to call him and everyone else on that floor "perverts." Richard will show this bratty maid not to call spankos perverts and not to make him wait 3 hours for his towels.
Samantha, maid for spanking
Samantha has applied to be his new maid. She knew what standards he was looking for yet still she turned up for her interview unkempt and late. This will not do and he soon shows her what happens to naughty maids in his household. A two spanking maid punishment film.
Maid to be Spanked!
Laura is most disrespectful and less than dilligent in her duties as Master David's housekeeper, despite the pretty uniform and generous conditions of her employment. Perhaps its the regular smacked bottoms and occasional more severe punishments that she objects to. Or does she...?
Slovenly Maid Spanked
Rachel is lazy and wilful, entirely unsuitable to serve the needs of the demanding mistress of the house. Before returning her to the agency that sent her, Andi decides that what she really needs is her lazy bottom thoroughly warmed!
Punished in Uniform 01
There is something about a uniform that makes the female bottom so ready for chastisement; perhaps it is the clinging nature of uniforms? Whatever the reason, the temptation to bare the female buttocks and redden them is very strong. Be it school uniform, army or navy, French maids, Riding outfits or nurses, they all seem to have the same effect on the red bloodied male.
Csintalan szobalányok 3. rész - naughty maids Pt. 3
The best sex and spanking – The thieving maid
Danielle has not learnt from her bare bottom spanking, caught steeling she is once again to be punished and this time it's really going to hurt. The large heavy paddle is put to good use on her firm young bottom as she is given the thrashing of her young life. The pain is for real as the bottom gets the full paddling treatment.
Lena K presents The wrong ladys maid
M. is a nice scamp: On a place announcement of Lena K. if he applies quite cheeky, although only female lady's maids are searched. On Madame K .'s refusal there he still does not surrender: He disguises himself as a girl. Although this costume is deceiv real, he cannot make a fool of Madame long. It puts juicy punishments, like boxes on the ears, degradation, NS, hair snatch and the most strict canining. M. (19) is a hard loadable pupil!
Maid 4 a spanking
Dress and underwear removed mary jane gets a whupping any more naughty girls need correction at a discreet Yorkshire location.
Maid Mya Spanked in the Kitchen
Lily comes home from work to find her new maid in the kitchen. After a quick inspection of the house she realizes that it isn't clean at all even though Mya has been there "working" for hours. Displeased, she confronts Mya who apologizes and admits that she doesn't really know how to clean, she just likes to go around in the cute outfit because she'd seen it on TV! She promises to come back tomorrow and do a better job but Lily feels that the young girl deserves to be disciplined for wasting...
Danielle has not learnt from her bare bottom spanking, caught steeling she is once again to be punished and this time it's really going to hurt. The large heavy paddle is put to good use on her firm young bottom as she is given the thrashing of her young life. The pain is for real as the bottom gets the full paddling treatment.
Lena K presents The wrong ladys maid
M. is a nice scamp: On a place announcement of Lena K. if he applies quite cheeky, although only female lady's maids are searched. On Madame K .'s refusal there he still does not surrender: He disguises himself as a girl. Although this costume is deceiv real, he cannot make a fool of Madame long. It puts juicy punishments, like boxes on the ears, degradation, NS, hair snatch and the most strict canining. M. (19) is a hard loadable pupil!
Maid 4 a spanking
Dress and underwear removed mary jane gets a whupping any more naughty girls need correction at a discreet Yorkshire location.
Maid Mya Spanked in the Kitchen
Lily comes home from work to find her new maid in the kitchen. After a quick inspection of the house she realizes that it isn't clean at all even though Mya has been there "working" for hours. Displeased, she confronts Mya who apologizes and admits that she doesn't really know how to clean, she just likes to go around in the cute outfit because she'd seen it on TV! She promises to come back tomorrow and do a better job but Lily feels that the young girl deserves to be disciplined for wasting...
Csintalan szobalányok 2. rész - naughty maids Pt. Two
Black Maid Spank
Sissy maid gets punished by his mistress
Unladylike Manor Part 4
Holly wants to work at the Manor but is soon in trouble This young girl is going to be paddled by Sarah a very strict mistress. A good hard thrashing.
The best sex and spanking - Her first punishment
As maids go Danielle has a lot to learn and it seems she is intent on learning the hard way. Her employer is well known for having a short temper and a long and hard hand, this he soon puts to use on the virgin bottom of this young lady. Over his knee her cries and yelps are for real as he spanks her bare bottom hard.
Sissy maid gets punished by his mistress
Unladylike Manor Part 4
Holly wants to work at the Manor but is soon in trouble This young girl is going to be paddled by Sarah a very strict mistress. A good hard thrashing.
The best sex and spanking - Her first punishment
As maids go Danielle has a lot to learn and it seems she is intent on learning the hard way. Her employer is well known for having a short temper and a long and hard hand, this he soon puts to use on the virgin bottom of this young lady. Over his knee her cries and yelps are for real as he spanks her bare bottom hard.
2011. április 11., hétfő
Csintalan szobalányok 1. rész - naughty maids Pt. One
Íme egy kis válogatás ebből a témakörből.
Akinek tetszik, jelezze valahogy, hogy folytassam, és magyar nyelvű összefoglalót tegyek fel.
Ha valakinek nem tetszik az is bátran jelezze, elvégre demokratikus államban élünk, és legalább lesz miről beszélnünk.
De az Isten szerelmére valami már történjen! Bármi! Jogodban áll persze szó nélkül továbbmenni, de gondold meg, biztos, hogy ez a legjobb, legintelligensebb, leggyümölcsözőbb viselkedési forma?
Nos, akkor lássuk a szobalányok történeteket! Minden foglalkozásnak megvannak a szakmai ártalmai. Nem kivétel ez alól a szobalányság sem. Velük bizony előfordulhat, hogy jól alaposan kiporolják a feneküket, ha valamit nem jól csinálnak.
Nézzünk néhány példát erre!
Szöveg egyelőre angolul. Addig marad így, amíg nem látom, hogy van akár csak egyetlenegy ember is, aki egy icipicit is érdeklődik.
The Birchrod Inn Episode 18 Trailer
A new rebelious little maid Bianca was sent to the Birchrod Inn by the club she works at because she is not submissive, has a big mouth so she needs extra training. After a sound spanking she is gagged and cuffed to a pole to teach her manners but our horny little maid Leandra couldn't keep her hands of her and spanked her. They were caught and Leandra got a sound OTK spanking. Later that day both little minxes were caught drinking beer and Mr. Johnson treated their bottoms to a sound strapping over the dining room table.
Just reward for a thief
With the cost of living going up every day it is a great temptation to take money whenever you can. This young lady working in a club bar has been found out and now has to take the consequences. A hard spanking and then the application of a wicked rubber paddle onto her bare bottom. She is in pain as her bottom is spanked and beaten hard.
Unladylike Manor Part 5.
Natasha is the new maid at an important dinner party, she is soon in trouble Sarah decides she must punish this young girl, a spanking and the paddle on her bare bottom
Akinek tetszik, jelezze valahogy, hogy folytassam, és magyar nyelvű összefoglalót tegyek fel.
Ha valakinek nem tetszik az is bátran jelezze, elvégre demokratikus államban élünk, és legalább lesz miről beszélnünk.
De az Isten szerelmére valami már történjen! Bármi! Jogodban áll persze szó nélkül továbbmenni, de gondold meg, biztos, hogy ez a legjobb, legintelligensebb, leggyümölcsözőbb viselkedési forma?
Nos, akkor lássuk a szobalányok történeteket! Minden foglalkozásnak megvannak a szakmai ártalmai. Nem kivétel ez alól a szobalányság sem. Velük bizony előfordulhat, hogy jól alaposan kiporolják a feneküket, ha valamit nem jól csinálnak.
Nézzünk néhány példát erre!
Szöveg egyelőre angolul. Addig marad így, amíg nem látom, hogy van akár csak egyetlenegy ember is, aki egy icipicit is érdeklődik.
The Birchrod Inn Episode 18 Trailer
A new rebelious little maid Bianca was sent to the Birchrod Inn by the club she works at because she is not submissive, has a big mouth so she needs extra training. After a sound spanking she is gagged and cuffed to a pole to teach her manners but our horny little maid Leandra couldn't keep her hands of her and spanked her. They were caught and Leandra got a sound OTK spanking. Later that day both little minxes were caught drinking beer and Mr. Johnson treated their bottoms to a sound strapping over the dining room table.
Just reward for a thief
With the cost of living going up every day it is a great temptation to take money whenever you can. This young lady working in a club bar has been found out and now has to take the consequences. A hard spanking and then the application of a wicked rubber paddle onto her bare bottom. She is in pain as her bottom is spanked and beaten hard.
Unladylike Manor Part 5.
Natasha is the new maid at an important dinner party, she is soon in trouble Sarah decides she must punish this young girl, a spanking and the paddle on her bare bottom
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